Friday, May 18, 2012

Thousands of Americans have begun affirming a new direction for the economy. It’s called Slow Money.

There is an emerging trend for small businesses because of the difficulty in getting loans from the banks so peer to peer, investment club or “crowd funding” organizations have come in to fill the gap. One such organization that was recently formed to support the Slow Food Movement nationally represents this trend, the Cleveland chapter of SLOW MONEY
(see for more info). “We’ve found kindred spirits there that want to support the farmers and producers of organic, sustainable foods”, Storehouse Tea has gotten such a nice reception from the Slow Money leaders and members and believe so much in what they are doing we have become members ourselves.”

Storehouse Tea gives an enormous thank you to

Filippo Ravalico, Slow Money Ohio Coordinator has given Storehouse Tea their First Micro Loan. Thank you to some loyal investors from Columbus and Cincinnati, we can’t wait to make you proud!

A couple of Slow Money Principles:
We must learn to invest as if food, farms and fertility mattered. We must connect investors to the places where they live, creating vital relationships and new sources of capital for small food enterprises.

Let us celebrate the new generation of entrepreneurs, consumers and investors who are showing the way from Making A Killing to Making a Living.